
Where Fun Music Learning Starts


Lesi Digital Music Education is an innovative brand focused on the educational development of children’s artistic ability and talents. Based on the concept of “Lesi · Music +”, we are dedicated towards creating an educational product that is multi-faceted, professional and full of variety in addition to being a learnable, entertaining, smart and innovative digital music education curriculum.

As for “Lesi · Music +”, this brilliant new ideology that is backed by scientific research has led to our own innovation in the form of this digital music education program that can cater to the needs of children in all age groups learning music. Our digital music program includes dynamic learning scenarios, lively cartoon animations and effective practice approaches. Not only does this make learning music more fun, it allows children to build up their self-confidence and comprehensive skills in the process.

As a company driven by technology and innovation, Lesi Education assembled a team of highly skilled individuals from the music and digital industries with the passion, capability and dream to create this educational product with a human touch. This is in hopes of providing children and their families an opportunity for mutual learning, parental bonding and skills enhancement.

In the future, Lesi Digital Music Education aims to forge a platform for art education relevant to this new Internet era whilst acknowledging children’s intrinsic nature to discover and explore the unknown.


Feb. 15th, 2016

Lesi Education established

Apr. 15th, 2016

The birth of Lesi World
The birth of Lesi Music Force System

Aug. 13rd, 2016

The first product released

Nov. 9th, 2016

The first nation-wide agent conference

Nov. 23rd, 2016

"The Influencing Scientific and Technological Innovation Education Institution" in the grand education ceremony hosted by sina.com


Dec. 6th, 2016

Lesi named ACE 2016 Quality Education Industry Summit

Dec. 16th, 2016

"China Influencing Art Education Brand" launched by cnr.cn


Mar. 25th, 2017

The first overseas Lesi International Education Center set up in Brisbane, Australia

May. 25th, 2017

“With Lesi, step into intelligent future”, the Lesi Education New Product Sharing and Partner Conference was held


Jun. 3rd, 2017

Lesi Education Masters Meeting held successfully


Jul. 18th, 2017

Lesi named the Northwest International Percussion Music Festival

Aug.28th, 2017

Lesi Education Australian Centre won the “Australia Queensland Multicultural Outstanding Contribution Award”

Sep, 15th, 2017

Five different courses shown at the same time in the education market

Sep. 25th, 2017

Lesi Teaching Assistant, Lesi Learning Assistant released

Oct. 1st, 2017

Lesi Electronic Drum LD-3, Lesi Electronic Piano LP-320 came to the market

Oct. 12th, 2017

Lesi signed strategic cooperation agreement with Roland
Lesi Music Force System data exceeded 10 million

Nov. 18th, 2017

Lesi Charity Concert was held in Brisbane Australia

Nov. 22nd, 2017

Awarded "the famous brand of quality education in 2017" by Tencent


Nov.28th, 2017

Awarded the Sina Education Festival of "2017 education industry technology innovation product"


Dec. 14th, 2017

Lesi named ACE 2017 Quality Education Industry Summit

Jan. 14th, 2018

"NUX Beat · Childhood Dreams" Lesi music festival was held in the concert hall of the Central Conservatory of Music

Feb. 2nd, 2018

"Lesi International Education Association " Officially registered in Queensland, Australia
LESI Education released the original theme song MV of Lesi World

Mar. 6th, 2018

The principal of Lesi Education Center in Australia was invited by the House of Representatives of the Brisbane City Government to deliver a speech at the Brisbane City Hall.

Jun. 2nd, 2018

Shining Stars - The second summer concert and Olympic forest festival was held successfully

Jun. 5th,2018

Lesi launched the project of Thailand and Australia music study tours

Jun. 26th, 2018

Knocking Tutu Music Painting Course released officially

Jul. 24th, 2018

Lesi launched International Master Class(Beijing station)—step on the way to be superstar

Oct. 10th, 2018

Lesi Guitar Course released officially

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